We have been given the green light and the doctor has said it is time for this baby to come out. Today Migaela went to the doctor and to some up the last few weeks of visit he has been wanting us to have a game plan and has been hinting at the idea of inducing Migaela. The impression is that he does not like delivering babies in the 9+ pounds range and has been gaging Mig's thoughts towards this. Today they had a good talk and have decied to go ahead and Have Migaela get an Ultrasound Thursday morning at 6:30 and then head over to the hospital to get the show on the Road. We have the full range of emotions going right now, you would think after 3 kids it would be easier but its not and needless to say I am sure tonight will be a sleepless night.
We will keep everyone posted !
Yay!! Game on! I wish I was there to help out, but I guess you've got a few helpers around. Good luck and I'm positive everything will be perfect. Call us with the good news!
Yay! Definitely keep us posted....will be anxiously awaiting the good news!
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